How Does Jones Hall Close So Many Bond Issues Every Year?


Every year we rank consistently among the top bond counsel firms in California. We are also known for providing the highest level of service to our clients. Each financing is efficiently managed by a Jones Hall partner from beginning to successful closing.

Treasure Island

How Does Jones Hall Close So Many Bond Issues Every Year?


Every year we rank consistently among the top bond counsel firms in California. We are also known for providing the highest level of service to our clients. Each financing is efficiently managed by a Jones Hall partner from beginning to successful closing.

West Hollywood Park Master Plan and Library

How Does Jones Hall Close So Many Bond Issues Every Year?


Every year we rank consistently among the top bond counsel firms in California. We are also known for providing the highest level of service to our clients. Each financing is efficiently managed by a Jones Hall partner from beginning to successful closing.

De Young Museum

How Does Jones Hall Close So Many Bond Issues Every Year?


Every year we rank consistently among the top bond counsel firms in California. We are also known for providing the highest level of service to our clients. Each financing is efficiently managed by a Jones Hall partner from beginning to successful closing.

San Francisco Transbay Transit Center